
The Dog Meeting Academy 

A digital Platform for professional dealing with working dogs

The meeting place for international experts

The Dog Meeting Academy, the strategic meeting place to acquire the knowledge you need related to Working Canine Units
Join us! Meet people, interact, learn and get inspired!

The Dog Meeting Academy is a digital platform dedicated to bringing together international experts related to Working Dogs.

The Dog Meeting Academy offers a digital space where international experts share their knowledge and experience. Professionals have the opportunity to connect, discuss and exchange ideas with experts in
 Animal Welfare, Animal Rights, , Bioethics, and canine training.
Canine instructors specialized in services and assistance dogs, therapy dogs, detection and biodetectiob dogs, Security, Emergencies, Search and Rescue, amongst other specializations join  psychologists, biologists, biochemists, medical professionals, physiotherapists, lawyers, veterinarians, military, Law Enforcement meembers and other researchers and professionals who interact with working canine units, to broaden their horizons.
Join us! Meet and debate, learn and debate with rofessionals in your area of interest!!

Events days 15 and 29 May 2020

We already have new events for you!
On May 15th, Rocío Fernández, dog handler of ITEA in Psicoanimal Association, will explain the defined objectives and results obtained in the IAA program with dogs applied to a pediatric ICU with critically ill patients. The "Huellas de Colores" ("Colored Footprints" Project)  coordinated by Sandra Marín, Psychologist of the Psicoanimal Association and designed by the Chair of Animals and Society of the Rey Juan Carlos University, together with experts from the Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid, Spain) have incorporated the Animal Assisted Interventions (IAA) in this healthcare setting.

On May 29th we will have the opportunity to learn about the latest studies related to separation problems in dogs and how they affect treatment strategies and prevention by Dr. Marta Amat, Head of the Ethology Service of the Veterinary Hospital of the University Autonomous of Barcelona and Diplomated by the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioral Medicine (ECAWBA) and responsible for CAWEC.

Events days 12 and 19 June 2020

During the month of June, experts in animal behavior will meet at The Dog Meeting Academy.
Some additional information about comparative ethology is beneficial for all of us!
The behaviour reaserach on wolfs  has been key for many of us who work with dogs, be it to consider the possible connections they may have or  to see the differences in their behaviors.
Jose España, is a biologist, expert in wildlife conservation and in the management and care of wild animals in captivity and author of the reference book Lobos ibéricos, anatomía, ecología y conservación (Iberian wolves: anatomy. ecology and conservation)  and  editor of various scientific publications.
On June 12th, he will give us an in-depth view of Canis lupus signatus that challenge our understanding of working with dogs. 

On June 19th, Dr Xavier Manteca Chair and Professor of the Department of Animals and Food Science of the Veterinary Faculty of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and international expert in Animal Behavour, gives a talk on effecters that affect the temperament in Working Dogs. He published referent books quoted by the majority of professionals all over the world.

The First International encounter of The Dog Meeting Academy Experts closes with resounding success.

Our event in April under the theme, Introduction to Assistance Dogs and Therapeutic Interactions with Dogs, a professional vision,  inaugurated officially our  platform The Dog Meeting Academy.
The Dog Meeting Academy, has established itself  the pioneering platform par excellence in its field!

Our platform will continuously update the dates of upcoming events, seminars, Master Class and meetings.

Enter in our website and check the next dates!

Agenda May - June 2020
Live sessions !!!
Check your time zone
Madrid: 10pm-12pm / Bogota: 3pm-5pm / Buenos Aires: 5pm-7pm / New York: 4pm-6pm

May 15th 2020 
AAI  (Animal Assisted Intervention) Program in Pediatric ICU in Spain. Project "Colored Footprints" 
Expert: Rocío Fernández 
After the talk, attendees will be able to interact live with the expert.
DAY 29 May 2020 
Anxiety due to separation in dogs, what we currently know and how to face a situation of progressive lack of confidence. 
Expert: Dra. Marta Amat 
After the talk, the attendees will be able to interact live with the expert

    June 12th 2020
    Comparative ethology. The Iberian wolf: what has been learned and taught 
    Expert: Jose España
    After the talk, the attendees will be able to interact live with the expert.

    June 19th 2020
    Factors that can influence the temperament of working dogs
    Expert: Dr. Xavier Manteca
    After the talk, attendees will be able to interact live with the expert

      Founders of The Dog Meeting Academy 

    International Experts of The Dog Meeting Academy

      Experts of The Dog Meeting Academy 

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    NEXT EVENTS 2020

    JULY 2020


    The best international experts related to the Canine Biodetection Units will meet during the month of July
    Register before the forum is complete !!!

    AUGUST 2020


    The best international experts related to Animal Welfare will meet during the month of Augost
    Register before the forum is complete !!!

    SEPT 2020


    The best international experts related to canine olfaction and its applications, will meet during the month of september
    Register before the forum is complete !!!



    The best international experts related to animal rights and protection will meet during the month of october
    Register before the forum is complete !!!
    Disclaimer: The Dog Meeting Academy is a plural and diverse platform. Leading experts,  specialized  in their fields, share their ideas.The Dog Meeting Academy declines all responsibility with  regard to their opinions expressed on the platform.
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